Opportunities to serve

Youth Sports/Evangelism through Tabora Bible School
Full Term, Short Term

With a focus on sports ministries, you'll initiate a church sports program with the Africa Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) Tabora Diocese. Your work will include equipping and training church leaders in leading sports ministry as part of a broader outreach and church planting ministry among the Nyamwezi people.

Your primary ministries will include:

- Work with the AICT Tabora Diocese to establish a sports ministry program with youth and/or adults
- Teach about sports ministry part time at Tabora Bible School
- Develop a mentoring/discipleship relationship with youth through sports ministries
- As possible, visit Bible students on location in the outreach villages where they serve.

You'll need practical experience in sports ministry and at least one year in Biblical studies or Ministry to serve in this role. A Bachelor's Degree or higher in Biblical studies or Ministry is desired but not required.

We're looking for someone with good people skills, initiative to start a new program, a love for youth, and a heart for cross-cultural ministry.