Opportunities to serve

Vocational Inbound Team – South Sudan
Full Term, Short Term
South Sudan

Inbound Teams run for one year and help orient and prepare new missionaries for long term service. Live, learn, and minister in Torit, a hub city in South Sudan. Torit provides opportunities for exposure to many people groups, cultures, and local church partnerships. Be mentored by experienced missionaries as you receive practical training in a real ministry setting.

New missionaries will be trained for onboarding into full term AIM teams; learning core values such as Abiding, Language Acquisition, Church Relationships, and Team Unity. Members will discover how to use their specific skills, talents, and training in South Sudan ministry (i.e. agriculture, medical, teaching, engineering, logistics, and more). Team members will also be learning Juba Arabic during their time in Torit.

Inbound is a one-year, team-based training and mentoring program designed to equip new missionaries with practical skills and knowledge for long-term cross-cultural life and ministry among unreached people groups. Led by an experienced missionary, Inbound prepares new full-term missionaries for service as well as providing a one-year missions exposure for short-termers interested in considering full-term work.
