Cross cultural ministry isn’t easy. Start well.
Your first year to fruitful ministry
You’ve said yes to Christ’s call to the nations – but how will you be equipped for the task? AIM’s Inbound Teams are designed to bridge that gap.
Inbound is a one-year, team-based training and mentoring program designed to equip new missionaries with practical skills and knowledge for long-term cross-cultural life and ministry among unreached people groups (UPGs).
If you have a desire to be involved in long-term ministry among African UPGs, no matter what capacity you may serve in, an Inbound Team may be the perfect way to get started.
Who can join an Inbound Team?
- Full term missionaries who have specific assignments but need focused training and solid foundation to begin from.
- Or those still exploring where God would have them serve (either full term or short term) and desire missions mentoring and direction for their future ministry.
As part of an Inbound Team you will:
- Grow in your spiritual disciplines
- Learn to do life in a cross-cultural context
- Become a student of language and culture
- Explore different ministry models
- Learn through extended visits to outreach ministries
- Find vision and direction for future ministry

1. Creating a Bridge to Long-term Ministry
2. Abiding as the Pathway to Joyful Endurance
3. Everything is Practical
4. Language as Central to Ministry
Inbound emphasizes the value of language learning right from the start. Through exposure to various language acquisition techniques, immersion in the culture, and personal relationships, language is a daily part of the program.
5. Cultural Discovery
6. Clarifying Ministry Direction
7. Cultivating Effective Team-Members
8. Cultivating Partnerships
9. Readiness for Ministry
Upcoming teams