Opportunities to serve

North Africa Outreach Team
Full Term
North Africa

Live an intentional Christian life in a North African community. In most nations in the region, it is not possible to get a missionary visa. But God has opened doors for his people to live and serve through business startups, professional placements, humanitarian activities, and other viable opportunities; activities that add real value to the community, and provide an avenue for building relationships and sharing truth. Located in strategic cities in North Africa, teams of 8 to 12 adults engaging in business to establish a genuine and viable presence that will open doors to ministry. Each team member will work on learning the local language and culture, and building trust through relationships in their communities. We will seek out those who are hungry for truth and willing to study the Word with us. Some experience in business is desirable but not required. Most personnel applying to serve in this region are required to do a site visit prior to approval for the assignment.
