Opportunities to serve

Female Mentor at Village of Hope Dukana
Full Term

As part of AIM's work among the Gabbra people of Northern Kenya, you'll serve in a ministry called Village of Hope, established as a refuge for outcast women living in the Dukana region. Here you'll work with women who have undergone trauma, and need to experience Christ's love and healing. Village of Hope provides a safe haven where women can learn about Christ's love and gain skills to help them improve their lives.

Your ministry will include sharing Christ and teaching Christian doctrine and principles, teaching skills such as beadwork, sewing, knitting, and cooking, literacy work, and counseling the young ladies, as many of them have gone through traumatic experiences.

Relationships built in this ministry will offer direct opportunities for the sharing of the gospel, and one-on-one discipleship where the young ladies learn more about God in His word, and apply it to their lives in practical ways.

As a part of the discipleship, the skills the young ladies learn offer them valuable means of making some income, and connecting with others in their community in the future.

We're looking for someone with a strong and growing relationship with Christ, and at least one year of Bible training; someone with initiative and compassion, and with a knowledge of basic cooking skills, sewing, knitting or similar life skills that can be taught to the women of Village of Hope.