Opportunities to serve

Reaching Unreached Africans in Rural Wisconsin
Full Term
Diaspora - USA

If your heart is for disciple-making among the unreached, you need not look further than a small town in Wisconsin. Although the town has less than 4,000 people in it, 13% of those people come from an African nation that has yet to be reached with the gospel. There is a need for Gospel witness in both word and deed. As you learn their culture, you will get to focus on building relationships of trust and creating intentional ways to connect. There’s a lot of room for creativity, but this can look like teaching English, partnering with a local non-profit, and, along with your teammates, helping mobilize the local church to engage.

Borderless is a ministry initiative of Africa Inland Mission. Borderless works with local churches in cross-cultural mission, reaching African immigrants and refugees who are building new lives in our communities.
